Swift River, Yukon
Another cold riding day. We started out under cloudy skies that soon began to pour on us. The temperature went down to 6C. Luckily by the time we got to Whitehorse the rain stopped. The rest of the day, however, stayed cloudy with a temperature of 11C.
When stopped, 11 isn’t bad but 100km for hours soon saps the warmth from your jacket. I had on 4 layers but couldn’t stay warm for very long. Needless to say we stopped a number of times to warm up. We chose this place to stay the night because it had a hotel, although at $95.CAD it is rather on the expensive side. The room is simple but it has a bathtub and really hot water! The food in the restaurant was really good too. We both ate hot roast beef sandwiches washed down by beer and Bill enjoyed a piece of blueberry pie all for $38.00CAD
In the morning we woke up to clear skies, 0C and frost on everything. Breakfast wasn’t supposed to be open until 7:00am but it was in full swing by 6:30am. Our classic breakfast was included in the price of our room so that was good.
It is going to be a cold ride but at least the temperature has no where to go but up and with the clear skies it is not going to snow!