Blue Bell Motel, Fort Nelson, BC
The day had been wet and cool, so we weren’t inclined to look for camping. Instead we checked in at this motel in Fort Nelson. It was nothing special but we still had to fork out $84.75CAD for the night.
Soon after getting our stuff stashed in our room we set out to find some food. We discovered that some other motorcyclists had also chosen this place to stop for the night so we went over to say hi. Turned out they were from Argentina and spoke only rudimentary English. Bill switched to Spanish and asked one of them where they were from. He answered Bill in English “Fine thank you.” then a strange expression came over his face as he realized Bill had spoken Spanish. They conversed for a little while and Bill found out they were from Argentina and were doing the ‘Argentina to Alaska’ trip but the other way around. We wished them well then set off to find something to eat.
This turned out to be a Boston Pizza where we ate pizza and drank draft beer. Since there really weren’t any other restaurants around we also had breakfast the next morning – 2 classic breakfasts and coffee. Total for food: $40.00CAD