On the road between Copacabana and La Paz if you travel through Copacabana to get to La Paz then it is necessary to go through the Tequina straight. This is just a short distance of water of Lake Titicaca that you have to cross and the only way to do it is by barge. These barges are scary things! They don’t have a real decking. There are planks where cars have wheels but big gaps in the middle and on each side. Bill had to run his motorcycle up the plank into the barge and then sit on the bike to hold it up because there was no place to put a kickstand. When we got to the other side we realized that we were going to have to back the bike off! This was very tricky trying to keep the bike straight and Bill being able to have a place to put his feet so he could push. The bike went a little bit too far to the right and he had nowhere to put his foot. The stress level was very high at this point but we managed to get the bike off of the barge and on to dry land without any real damage.Lake Titicaca is amazingly large. We travelled beside it for at least an hour before we moved off and headed toward La Paz. The roads were good, the weather was chilly but sunny and a little bit of cloud. What a beautiful beautiful area.

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