On the Road, 8:50 AM

Weather: Sunny

Temperature: 26C

Notes:  We ate breakfast at the hotel restaurant and got on the road before 9:00am.  So far the weather is pleasant, but we will be heading into desert country and it’s going to be HOT!

Entry located at: https://www.google.com/maps/@16.3401551,-95.2244808,100m/data=!3m1!1e3

Gassing up, 9:41 AM

Weather: Sunny

Temperature: 30C

Name: Pemex  Cost:317.02

Segment 1 located at: https://www.google.com/maps/@16.5619417,-96.0205759,100m/data=!3m1!1e3

Special Attractions, 11:07am

Weather: Sunny

Temperature: 37C

Notes: The hillsides in this area are all planted with agave and each small town seems to have its own Mescal production.  We decided we could find room for a very small bottle of Mescal for a souvenir but it took several tries to find a place to stop at.

They had a nice display of the ‘by hand’ techniques that are used when making mescal.  I’m not sure everywhere uses as primitive of techniques as this, but it was interesting.

Eats – lunch, 2:17 PM

Weather: Sunny

Temperature: 38C

Notes:  We had half-thought about stopping for the day at these Cabañas but soon realized that they were not going to be air-conditioned.  In fact, nothing out here in the middle of nowhere was going to be air-conditioned.  I am so hot and uncomfortable and there is nowhere to get away from it.  But we needed to eat so decided to stop for lunch.  This is a small family run restaurant and ‘tourist’ area.  The wife cooks and the husband takes people out on tours.  Apparently it is a great hiking area in a cooler season.  Nobody goes out in this weather.  We ate gorditas and washed them down with Avena and water.

Name: Comedor & Cabañas  Cost:  100mx

Segment 2 located at: https://www.google.com/maps/@17.7127529,-96.9404169,100m/data=!3m1!1e3

Accommodations, 3:15 PM

Weather: Sunny

Temperature: 38C

Name: Hotel Real Sochiapam   Cost: 250

Notes: I was really hoping to find a hotel with air-conditioning and this one looked likely.  But it had no air and I don’t think any other building had it in this town called Cuicatlan, Oaxaca.  We settled for this one  because the room looked clean and comfortable.

Segment 3 located at: https://www.google.com/maps/@17.7955035,-96.9591688,100m/data=!3m1!1e3

Eats – Dinner, 6:57 PM

Name:  Hotel restaurant  Cost:  100mx

Notes: I was feeling really unwell today. It was so hot and there was no air-conditioning in our room – or in any other room in this town. I had a fever and a very unsettled stomach. Maybe it is heat exhaustion.  I couldn’t stomach the idea of food so I got Bill to go to the drugstore and get me a ‘Boost’, protein meal replacer and had some of that.  Bill went to the restaurant and had his meal of ‘res en salsa’ (beef in sauce).  Later I went in and had Caldo de pollo and an Agua de juayabana.  Bill, of course, had a beer.

Segment 4 located at: https://www.google.com/maps/@20.0548023,-99.3445772,100m/data=!3m1!1e3Segment 5
May 20, 2019, 7:00 PM

Snacks/  Boost, beer & water, bananas, mangoes and another water.  Cost:  94 + 31+10+5

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