Border Peru, Bolivia

12:33 out of peru.The immigration process was very quick but Bill was over an hour at the aduana processing the bike.Across the border we had to get photocopies of our passports then line up at immigration. A group of backpackers got the ahead of us and I thought it would …

Snow 4

leaving Ilave We got up this morning and went looking for coffee. There were very few stores open and the couple of coffee shops we had seen last night were not open. So we went to the market and in the market there was a lady selling a bun with …

Hostel KatyIlave, Peru A big problem in this town are the high curbs. Even when a hostel has parking, and most did, it required getting over a 12 inch curb to get into the parking space.We went to 3 or 4 before finding one with only a 6 inch curb. …

Juliaca , peru

Julieta was a crazy city to get through as we entered the city there was a brand new road nice walking trails well. Trails but sidewalks and then all of a sudden it ended. Then there was no real road there was just a big mud hole and there were …

Rain 12

Cusco, Peru Antonio Lorena 52 Cusco It is never easy getting through cities. Cusco however was relatively easy except for an area of construction. We had to make a detour and there were no signs to tell us which way to go but luckily being Sunday there wasn’t too much …